Our final scores and as you can see I won (yay!!) and Luke actually got second!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Family bowling
Saturday, April 04, 2009
We were a little late getting to the hospital though.. early morning traffic and sprinkles of rain are never good. There was a really nice lady that happened to be walking through the front lobby area right as we rushed in and she worked in the Outpatient surgery area. She led us there, checked us in and rushed us back to her office so we could register. While I was answering all the questions, a nurse from the pediatric wing came and got Luke and Mike so they could get Luke's vitals and stuff. They were all so nice and helpful with getting us in and ready in time. When I was finally finished, I got to go back with Luke and wait. They had given him so many stickers and Luke was passing them out to me and Mike as well as putting them all over himself. He was so happy and pleasant that all the nurses kept complimenting us on how well behaved he was. I felt so awful though that soon he was going to have to be in pain.
His surgeons came back to take some measurements of his eyes and go over what exactly they would be doing in the OR. They ended up changing how they were going to fix his eyes. It's kind of involved so I'll try to be simple. His first surgery was to keep his eyes from crossing so they weakened the muscles on the insides of both his eyes. Then we found that his right eye would drift out occasionally and his left eye drifted a little but up (this was harder for me to see but I'm not a doctor, plus I see Luke everyday so I'm used to it and don't notice as much with the glasses). Since our eye muscle work together they usually would adjust the same muscle on each eye but because Luke's were so different it made it a more difficult situation. At first they were thinking of 1) only working on the left eye to correct the up/down muscle on that side and the outside muscle hoping that it would correct the right eyes problem or 2) doing both eyes the same. The first choice could have ended up with him having to eventually get another surgery on his right eye anyway and the second could have caused his eye to cross again and for the right eye to end up with the same up/down problem of the other eye. Thankfully we didn't go with either of those and they decided to fix the up/down muscle on the left eye only and the outside muscle on the right eye only. I felt really good about this decision and so did his surgeons. I'm really hopeful that this will be his last surgery.
Mike took Luke back to the OR since I did it last time and then we grabbed a quick breakfast in the cafeteria. The surgery ended up being only an hour which was great! We talked to the surgeons and then waited a little bit longer for them to call us back when Luke woke up. That was probably the most heartbreaking thing to go through. We walked back with a nurse to the Recovery room and Luke just looked so scared and in pain, it was awful. I walked over and put my stuff down and grabbed him from the nurse (gently of course). It was so hard to not break down in tears myself. Everything was hurting him and this time he was old enough to tell me. He wanted to pulse monitor off his toe, the gauze wrapped around his arm off, the IV out, his socks off, his eyes hurt, his belly hurt and he just wanted to go home. They asked if he was this upset last time but I told them I had still been nursing him way back then and the nurses let me nurse him and he just fell asleep.
The nurses were really nice and they took off the pulse monitor and they even took the gauze and IV out of his arm but then they said we really needed to get him to drink something. We tried to give him juice, popsicles, water, jello anything but he just wanted to go home. He finally did calm down for the most part but we had to keep stopping him from rubbing his eyes which he didn't like. He only wanted me to hold him (which I knew was going to happen because, well I'm his mom and when kids are hurt, they want their moms- Mike didn't quite get this) and I wasn't allowed to sit down, that just made him upset. Mike tried to relieve me but Luke got upset but I felt better myself being able to hold him. I had been so stressed all week and especially all that morning that I think I just needed to hold him too. Not that Mike wasn't feeling the same but he understood, he's a great dad and husband.
Mike finally got him to drink like 2 sips of water which wasn't enough but they said that he probably just needed to sleep of the rest of the anesthesia at home and then he would be better and would start drinking and eating. We got in the car and Luke was asleep within 10 minutes. I put him right into his bed when we got home around 12:00 and Mike and I took a nap too. We woke up at three and Luke was still sound asleep. We both were worried about him not drinking anything yet so we woke him up with us also to give him some more Tylenol. He was a little grumpy at first but once we gave him some juice and animal crackers, he got better. We sat with him on the couch and we all watched cartoons and he was actually happy. He still seemed a little bit out of it but he was happy and talking. Someone from church brought dinner over and Luke actually ate it. I was so happy he was eating and drinking.
Cameryn came home about 7:00 and was so sweet to her little brother. We gave them a quick bath and then Luke was in bed a little after 8:00. Cameryn, we found out from Robin, didn't wake up that morning until 10:30 so she definitely wasn't tired. She stayed up with me for a while and then we all finally went to bed.
Luke stayed asleep all night long and I ended up waking him up at 9:00. I am so proud of my little guy. He was so good and he is dealing with everything so well. He is one of the happiest boys I've ever met and I'm such a lucky mom to have him. We have to put this ointment in his eyes twice a day which he hates but he gets over it quickly and then he's happy again. Thanks for all of you who kept him in your prayers, it really helped all of us I'm sure. He had his post-op appointment yesterday which was fine but I'm bringing him back in 2 weeks for another followup. I just hope things keep looking good and that neither of us have to go through that again.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I brought my camera to church one Sunday to take pictures of all the nursery kids so they could find their name and picture when they come in on Sunday and put it on this little board we have for that purpose. I just loved the picture of Luke that I took and a lot of the other kids too. One of the boys, Eli, followed me around when I had the camera and kept trying to tell me to take another picture of him doing different things. I would try to take a picture of someone else and Eli would pop up in front of the camera, it was pretty funny.
I'm still hoping that this calling doesn't last much longer than 6 months though but for now I'm actually enjoying being with all the kids. My job is to do singing time which is always a challenge... what am I saying, everything in nursery is a challenge. It's fun though and I really do feel a lot of love for all the kids in there with me (there are about 10 already and it's only March.. yikes), they are so special and I'm glad to have a chance to spend a little bit of time with them every week.
Luke's best friend is Landon. His parents have been our friends for a long time. Anyways, Luke and Landon are about the same age and they used to argue a lot and fight over toys and such like most kids do, but for the past month or two, they have gotten along so well. They play without arguing and they share toys and laugh and just have a great time. It's quite amazing to Jessie and I to not have to break them apart after a few minutes. We can let them play upstairs while we talk downstairs and not fret that they are fighting with each other. It is really fun to see them playing and getting along so well. In fact Luke is always saying to people that Landon is his friend. When they go to the story time at the library, they will now sit in the front next to each other and participate in everything. That is completely amazing to me because before I could never get him off my lap to go sit on the carpet with all the other kids. Cameryn was the same way, but with Landon, Luke is really outgoing and they have so much fun. In fact, Landon gets really upset sometimes if someone tries to sit in between him and Luke. It's really cute. Here is a video of them playing one of their favorite games... wear Cameryn's "clacky shoes" and make lots of noise in the kitchen.
Luke also has another eye surgery coming up this Thursday, April 2nd. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I haven't been in the mood
Here is Cameryn trying out her new bike which she got for Christmas for the first time. We had about 2 weeks of super nice weather at the beginning of February (yes I'm starting way back then) so Mike decided to let Cameryn try out her bike. She did really well but she kept looking down at her legs or just at the bike and not steering. We've been trying to work on that but the nice days are here for good yet. But she really loves to ride her bike. I always feel proud of her when I see her skinny little legs pumping so hard on those peddles!
Luke was really excited about Cameryn's bike so I went and got his big wheel so he could ride outside too. Unfortunately after this picture my battery died on my camera so I had to recharge it and didn't get any pictures of the both of them. It was a really nice afternoon with my family.
Friday, January 30, 2009
It's amazing what 2 inches of snow can do
Anyways, I drove home and hung out at my mom's house talking for a bit while my kids played. My mom told me that at 2:00 she was taking the kids to the church to play and some of our friends were going to be there too and play some basketball. I definitely didn't have the right shoes for playing basketball (my Doc Marten boots since there was snow) but I went anyways. I ended up just playing barefoot (socks were too slippery) which isn't the greatest idea, not because I got stepped on or anything but my feet hurt sooooooooo bad later!! It was really fun though. I haven't had the chance to play basketball in so long (or do anything physical for that matter) and I loved it, even with sore feet and no shoes. The kids ran around and played in the nursery or just in the gym. Luke saw me dribbling the ball and started trying to dribble the soccer ball he was playing with. He would hold the ball and then smack it with him one hand. Not really dribbling but he's only two so I of course thought it was wonderful. Later he just started kicking it around the gym and did a pretty good job at that too. I barely saw Cameryn the whole time. She was playing with Devon's friends sister and loved all the attention.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Family times
After Mammy and Pappy left, the adults all went downstairs and kicked the little kids off the Wii (which I brought from home) so we could have a turn. Me, Andrew, my dad and my mom all did bowling first. Mike wasn't feeling well so he watched for a bit before going home to rest (poor guy had had to go to work that day too). Then we played some tennis, tried out the baseball but it was too boring and my dad and I took turns boxing. It was so much fun!!
After we got tired of playing, I let the kids get back on. Devon played a few games with Kathryn then started playing this boxing training game. Luke thought it looked fun so he went over and tried it out too. Then we gave the kids the controllers (they each held half) and let them play for real. It was so cute!! So of course I video taped some of it. Enjoy!!
Late holiday post
I usually like to record a little video of when they come down and see the tree but as soon as Mike brought both the kids down, Luke burst into tears because he wanted "Thomas the Tank Engine" and he didn't see it immediately. It was actually kinda cute/funny at first because my parents had gotten him a train table (from one of Devon's friends) and Mike and I had bought him a little Thomas train and put it in his stocking. But he would not calm down and open up the stupid present so I wripped it open quickly and gave him the Thomas. He finally calmed down enough to open up the rest of his presents which he really enjoyed doing. I think he had more fun opening them then actually playing with them, except the Thomas of course.
Mike's parents came over and we opened presents with them (Cameryn got a new bike- too big for her right now but we were all excited) and then had our traditional waffles with fruit for breakfast (which I made from scratch). After they left, I tried to clean up a little bit and then my family came over. My brother Andrew was home for a few days and I was so excited to see him. I've missed him so much and wished that he could have stayed longer. The kids were so excited to see him too. They talk about him and Ezra (on his mission) all the time. In fact (quick little side story here), Cameryn and Luke like to pretend they are reading my scriptures all the time and in the Bible there are old maps and stuff that Cameryn will show to Luke and point to random places and say "this is where we live" or "this is where Ezra is on his mission" and other cute things like that. It is so funny!!
New Years Eve was spent with those same friends and we played some board games and some Wii games and ate lots of junk food. My dad offered to come out and sit at our house and watch over the kids so we could go out which I was so grateful for. Overall we had a really nice holiday.