I brought my camera to church one Sunday to take pictures of all the nursery kids so they could find their name and picture when they come in on Sunday and put it on this little board we have for that purpose. I just loved the picture of Luke that I took and a lot of the other kids too. One of the boys, Eli, followed me around when I had the camera and kept trying to tell me to take another picture of him doing different things. I would try to take a picture of someone else and Eli would pop up in front of the camera, it was pretty funny.
I'm still hoping that this calling doesn't last much longer than 6 months though but for now I'm actually enjoying being with all the kids. My job is to do singing time which is always a challenge... what am I saying, everything in nursery is a challenge. It's fun though and I really do feel a lot of love for all the kids in there with me (there are about 10 already and it's only March.. yikes), they are so special and I'm glad to have a chance to spend a little bit of time with them every week.
Luke's best friend is Landon. His parents have been our friends for a long time. Anyways, Luke and Landon are about the same age and they used to argue a lot and fight over toys and such like most kids do, but for the past month or two, they have gotten along so well. They play without arguing and they share toys and laugh and just have a great time. It's quite amazing to Jessie and I to not have to break them apart after a few minutes. We can let them play upstairs while we talk downstairs and not fret that they are fighting with each other. It is really fun to see them playing and getting along so well. In fact Luke is always saying to people that Landon is his friend. When they go to the story time at the library, they will now sit in the front next to each other and participate in everything. That is completely amazing to me because before I could never get him off my lap to go sit on the carpet with all the other kids. Cameryn was the same way, but with Landon, Luke is really outgoing and they have so much fun. In fact, Landon gets really upset sometimes if someone tries to sit in between him and Luke. It's really cute. Here is a video of them playing one of their favorite games... wear Cameryn's "clacky shoes" and make lots of noise in the kitchen.
Luke also has another eye surgery coming up this Thursday, April 2nd. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Hey babe! I imagine nursery would be a challenging calling! But I love that you're enjoying it because of Luke! Every calling has its ups and downs (I've been in YW for 3 years and girls are D-R-A-M-A! and weekly activities & tons of meetings take time) More power to ya in Nursery! Miss ya and love ya!
SO - how did the surgery go?? Let us know! Love you, babe!!
I'm so glad that he is such a sweet happy boy. He is such a handsome little thing too :)
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