Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Blanket

I decided to finally go to a fabric store and buy some material so that I could make Luke a blanket. He already has plenty of them, but I wanted to give him one from me. Plus, Cameryn has this blanket that my sister, Lindsey, made for her that she absolutely loves and takes with her everywhere. She calls it her "bay" because she didn't know how to say blanket when she was first starting to talk and bay was as close as she could get. Anyways, she loves her blanket and so I modeled Luke's after hers as far as the material and the binding on the edges.

Luke seemed really excited when I gave his new blanket to him. He loves to chew on the soft satiny binding and Cameryn is so excited for him to have a "bay" just like hers. I just love the cute clover pattern too. Someone asked me if he was Irish because of the blanket. I didn't want it to be blue because so many things that you receive from other people when you have a boy are blue and the clovers just popped out at me. It only took a few hours (spread out over 2 days of course) but I think my first baby blanket turned out really well.

Doesn't Luke have the most adorable smile!!


Anonymous said...

good job! very cute!

I love his smile too! I want to cuddle him, he looks so soft and warm!

Heidi said...

I love the new format you have for your site, it looks like a scrap book. The blanket is very cute and I love the clover print. Sierra is very attached to her blanket to, we call it Elly, and she goes nowhere without it! P.S. Luke is the cutest!