Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Always playing catch up

Again, I haven't really been in the mood to blog. But there is a lot that happened that I would like to catch up on.

Cameryn's birthday party went really well. I don't know why I was so stressed!! Well, actually I do since it looked like it was going to rain all that day and we were having the party at a park, plus I invited WAY too many kids. It was a really great day though and everyone seemed to have a blast. Cameryn was so excited to have all those people there but she was still so shy with everyone. Unfortunately, we were in such a big hurry to leave the house to run our last few errands since the party was at 11:00 am that I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!! I was so mad and my mom didn't know where theirs was either. She was so sweet though and went out to buy me a disposable one so I could at least get the pictures developed later. So I don't have any pictures of the actual party, but I do have one of Cameryn wearing her favorite gift of the day.
Cameryn is really enjoying her preschool too. She loves to go and always has a lot to tell me when I pick her up. I only wish that it was more than twice a week now. If I'd have known she would love it that much, I might have looked around more. I wasn't really even going to put her in one though so I'm glad she at least has this one. She is so cute with her little backpack on with nothing in it but a folder and a change of clothes (just in case). She is always so excited to see me and Luke come to pick her up. Actually I think she is more excited when my mom picks her up on Wednesdays. That is the only day I work now during the week so my mom comes out to my house to watch the kids and take Cameryn to and from preschool. Yesterday she asked me why Gramma didn't pick her up and when I told her she would next time she got all excited.

Luke also seems to like his alone time with me or Gramma. He always wants to go to the park or to his friend, Landon's house. Mike and I have friends that live on our street that he has known since high school (maybe longer, I can't remember) and they had a little boy about 6 weeks after we had Luke. It's really nice to have a close friend who also stays home with her little boy to hang out with all the time.

So onto my other news about Luke. He had another appointment with his eye surgeon/doctor the beginning of this month. I really loved the doctor that did his surgery and that I had seen since he was 4 months old. But she moved to a practice that was closer to where she lived so I've been having to take him to the other doctors that I don't know- still in the same practice but I really miss his other doctor. Anyways back on topic now- as most of you know, he had eye surgery a year ago this September (13th to be exact) to correct an eye problem. He had/has intermittent strabismus (ohh I'm so knowledgable and technical- sike!! I had the doctor write down the name since I always forget what it is actually called) which really means that his eyes would cross sometimes and it needed to be corrected with surgery. His left eye was his stronger eye so I would patch that eye for about an hour everyday to force him to use the right eye. Well his surgery was successful in that his eyes don't cross anymore but they are still not straight. His right eye moves outward occasionally and his left eye moves a tad bit up.

So at his most recent appointment, the doctor wanted to dilate his eyes again to check and see if glasses would help at all. They had done this at his first ever appointment and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't help then. So she put the drops in his eyes which he did not like but he is such a sweet patient boy that he calmed down as soon as I was holding him close again. We had to wait another 30-45 min while the drops worked. She checked his eyes again and recommended he get glasses. He is a bit too far-sighted (interesting fact: the Dr. told me that kids are all far-sighted when they are little but Luke is too far-sighted- weird huh) and he has a slight astigmatism on both of his eyes.

I didn't really understand what all that meant but I went to get him fitted anyways. A guy who goes to my church works at the office they recommended to get him fitted for the glasses. He saw me sitting in the waiting area and came out to talk to me about Luke's glasses. He has been helpful throughout the whole thing with Luke actually but especially while I was there. He looked at his prescription and explained the whole far-sighted thing to me so I could actually understand it. He said that this is not a permanent thing for Luke (most likely). He said the glasses will help his brain to not have to work so hard to focus on things close up then far away and back and forth ALL the time which is what Luke's brain and eyes have been doing. He can focus since kids brains are still developing and they are more adaptable and doesn't have real vision problems but his brain just has to work harder. This will just help his brain relax a bit and work on making his eyes straighter instead of all this constant focusing and refocusing.

He was so cute trying on his glasses!! I liked this one pair that were thin rimmed and brown (to match his hair of course) with the cable ear piece to it stays on more securely but Luke really liked these blue pair. I figured since he was going to have to wear them all the time, I should let him pick out the ones that he likes so I got the blue ones. The optician (the guy that fits the glasses) was really nice and funny. Luke was having so much fun with the kid glasses that he started pointing at the adult glasses. The guy goes and gets him a pair to try on and Luke was laughing at himself in the mirror the turned to Cameryn and said "Tamen, look at me" then they both busted up. It was so cute!!

Mike went and picked up the glasses the day of Cameryn's party and he's been wearing them ever since from when he wakes up, to when he goes to bed. I didn't really like the glasses once I saw them with the actual lenses in them but they are growing on me. He is cute no matter what so I don't worry. Mike was kinda mad at first that I didn't get the other glasses cuz he thought the blue ones were dorky, but Luke is the one that has to wear them. Boy those glasses get dirty though. I have to clean them constantly because he is such a messy boy (what boy isn't). He is going back to the eye doctor in December for another evaluation so I'm hoping these are helping. It sucks though because kids grow so fast but they need to have snug fitting glasses too so I really really hope that this is not a long term thing cuz glasses are expensive! My friend did have his office give me a 20% discount though, so YAY!!

Okay so here are a few pictures of Luke with glasses and some of him and Cameryn playing outside.


Kiirst said...

Darling. Simply darling! I think glasses on little kids are just adorable! Love ya!

Jessica said...

Okay, I think it's so cute that Luke calls Cameryn Tamen...haha I love that. He really does look cute in his glasses. Do they stay on okay? Well I enjoyed that post:)