Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween pictures

Here are a few pictures I took from going out with the kids on Halloween. We went in my parents neighborhood and then to our church for trunk or treat.
Luke just wanted to get down and walk, walk, walk. Cameryn was real excited that people were giving her candy for nothing.
Isn't that the cutest little Lion you have ever seen?
Don't you just love her princess slippers?Simba and his dad.


Gina said...

Oh so precious! Love both of their costumes, Daisy! You look pretty great too!

Jessica said...

Great job on Lukes makup...did he sit still while you did that. They both look really cute! Did they stuff themselves with candy? Time to visit the dentist!

Nikki said...

Halloween! Yeah! I love the pictures... what cuties! Katelyn thinks that Cam looks beuatiful! Maybe for Christmas I will get her a Princess dress. We'll see!