Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kids in the pool

We have finally started having nice weather here so I decided to get out our little kiddie pool. I didn't feel like looking for Cameryn's swim suit so I only put in about 2-3 inches of water for her to splash her feet in. It quickly turned into much more.

I was so glad that I remembered to bring my camera out to our backyard. Unfortunately, my memory card was almost full and my battery was also going dead. I had wanted to take pictures and a little movie of the kids but I didn't have room. Oh well, what I did get is still priceless. I have very silly children... especially my little girl.

The song is a little silly and doesn't really fit the scene but Cameryn liked it so I used it. She loved watching herself being silly over and over again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Just some cute pics

I forgot to take pictures of my kids in their new Easter Sunday clothes (horrible right) but I did take pictures of Luke in his Easter outfit this past Sunday. He looks like he should be giving a talk or passing the sacrament or teaching a class in his cute little suit. Isn't he adorable. Everyone at church thought he was so cute and they of course were right. Just look at him.... I can hardly stand how adorable he is sometimes. Ahh the price of having cute kids.

I didn't get a picture of Cameryn in her dress but boy did she love it. We were calling it her Cinderella dress and she put it on and was twirling around and singing any song that popped into her head. She was so beautiful. Wi I'll get a picture of her in it up here eventually. I did get a picture of her dressing up with her Dollar Store Princess jewelry that Mike bought her though. She was in heaven when he brought it home.

Here is Cameryn just being silly with a bucket on her head that usually holds blocks and with Daddy's shoes on. This girl loves her shoes. I have so many pictures of her in my shoes or Mike's shoes.

Two more pictures of my favorite boy. This is right after a bath with his hair just everywhere. It's getting so long now that it only sticks up in a mohawk in the very back now. Right after his bath though it will stand up everywhere then slowly lay down in the front. I'm going to have to get it cut soon though. His hair grows so fast.

His eyes are a little crossed in the one picture but that will hopefully be fixed soon. He has a eye doctor appointment this coming Monday to schedule surgery (hopefully). Still cute though.


Mike and I had our 6th Anniversary this past Saturday (April 14th). We all had breakfast together and then Mike went out to run errands with Cameryn. Then we all went to my parent's house for Cameryn to play, Mike to go shopping with Luke and me to mow lawns. Sounds like a dumb thing to do on an anniversary but I had promised my dad.

There is this old lady, Barbara, that lives next door to my parents and we have always tried to help her out with different things. My dad tries to take her once a week to go grocery shopping and they always invite her over for Christmas dinner. She doesn't have any family near here and never had any children so she enjoys the company. When I was younger I would always help her clean her house and I mowed her lawn up until I graduated from high school. I was paid (not very much of course) and after me my younger siblings kept it up. Last summer my dad and my brother Andrew took turns mowing and raking but they are so busy now. Her lawn is very big and VERY thick so I told my dad that I would once again take over the job. It's not much money, but I'm saving it for our trip to Utah this summer. Plus, I just don't think that my dad should have to do it.

Anyways, it took me a long time to mow it but I finally finished and Mike and I went home to shower and go out to eat. We took Luke with us but left Cameryn at my mom's so we could have a little bit of time to ourselves. She was having more fun there anyways. We went to T.G.I. Fridays and it was so good. I love that restaurant. Luke of course was the cutest thing in the whole restaurant and our server couldn't get enough of him. We had a nice dinner and went to pick up Cameryn from my mom's. She didn't want to leave of course even though she had been there since about 1:30 that afternoon. We finally all got in the car and went home.

Mike got me a beautiful necklace with diamonds in it on this really pretty, really thin silver chain. I can't wear it too much though because Luke is drawn to anything dangly, like hair and necklaces. I'm never one to really make big deals about days, birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines Day (which I really don't like) so in my opinion it turned out to be a very wonderful, nice anniversary. I don't even mind when we have to bring kids along with us either.

This is just a cute picture of Luke that I took yesterday (and really when is he not cute). I always thought this outfit that someone bought him was kinda ugly but as I am running out of winter clothes that fit his hunky chunky little body I put it on him. Lo and behold it was so adorable on him that I am kicking myself for not putting it on him earlier.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Springtime busy

I have been having such a busy few weeks that I haven't had any time for blogging, let alone even getting on the Internet. I have been having lots of play dates for Cameryn which have been fun for her and me. It's nice to talk to other adults during the day when usually my conversations are limited to quick ones on the phone, trying to reason with a 2 year old, talking to an 8 month old and talking to myself (which unfortunately happens a lot).

Cameryn went to a birthday party last weekend for a friend that we met at the library reading time for little kids. Cameryn is really shy in big groups until she gets warmed up so she ended up having a lot of fun. They had a little Easter egg hunt in the back yard since it was so close to Easter and she loved it. Every time she picked up an egg she would shake it to hear if it had anything in it. She very quickly filled up her little basket with eggs and came back over to me to start eating the candy that was in them all.

Here is Cameryn doing an impersonation of Cinderella. She was singing the song from Cinderella in these pictures (A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes).

Luke is still not crawling and I'm getting impatient. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it sometimes. He is so close but at the same time he's not. I thought that he was close 2 months ago and by the things he was doing was positive that he would be crawling by the end of the month. He didn't and doesn't seem any closer to figuring out the whole crawling thing. I know sometimes boys are slower at the developmental things like crawling but he'll be 9 months old on April 25th and I'm starting to worry that he won't ever crawl.

I LOVE when they start to crawl. It is so cute and it makes them so happy to be able to move around on their own. I have no problem with him getting into things because all the stuff on his level already is child safe. All I'll have to do is block off the steps which isn't a problem either. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do to help him along either.

I wonder if his legs are too chubby still to crawl or something. Is that possible? He can't stay up on his knees when I put him like that, he just falls back onto his belly. He has no problem with staying up by his arms because I've always put him on his belly. But he doesn't do the rocking back and forth or anything. The closest he gets is when he is sitting up and he leans as far as he can over until he's on one knee and then he falls on his face and cries. It's quite annoying.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep hoping (and praying) that he'll get it eventually. Here's hoping...