Thursday, July 31, 2008


Okay, so I spent at least an hour this morning typing out a nice post about Luke birthday last week and his party this past saturday. I saved it cuz I was uploading stuff to put on it before I could post it and closed it and when I came back just now, IT'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where the blankity blank blank did it go?!?!?!? I am so upset. Now I have to upload the dang pictures again and type it all out.

I know it was saved!!! Heck, it saves it for you every few minutes! Does anyone know what might have happened and can you help me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just want to throw something or scream but Luke is sleeping and that might be a tad over dramatic, but I really don't want to type it all out again.

I had it all perfect and worded right and nice and now NOTHING!!! Stupid poopy thing!! I don't want to type it out again. *sigh* Oh well, I'll try again later. I'm too mad and I don't feel like being on here all day typing the same thing twice. I'll get something up about his birthday somehow.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

There's a lot going on

There has just been so much going on and I just haven't felt like blogging in a while. I have been having a really nice summer though. I'll just mention a few things I haven't posted in the past few weeks.

We went to the Land of Little Horses a few weeks ago and you would think that I would have written about something so fun for my kids but for whatever reason, I have been forgetting to bring my camera. I was so mad! I had made Mike turn around shortly after leaving cuz I for got something else but still didn't remember to grab my camera. I did feel like I was missing something but we were meeting Mike's parents and he didn't want to be late so I just dismissed the thought. Anyways, I've noticed I'm less likely to actually want to post something if I haven't taken pictures of said event. I just like there to be pictures to go along with everything plus it's something for anyone who reads my boring ramblings to look at when they are done reading.

Okay so back to the Little Horses. They were so cute. They have these cute little big bellies (I know it's weird when I say little big bellies but that IS what they look like, you know what I mean). Even being so small though, Luke was terrified to get too close. They had a few of the horses and one miniature donkey that just roamed everywhere too. There were even little Stallions. They had other regular animals that you find at petting zoos like goats, sheep, pigs, etc. They had llamas and alpacas, and even a few peacocks which were so gorgeous. They also had this huge camel but it was really dirty and gross looking so we stayed away from him. Mike finally got Luke to pet one of the horses who was just standing there in the barn thing not moving cuz he was asleep. Luke thought he was so cool and brave after that. Cameryn got to go on a pony ride which unfortunately was the shortest pony ride on earth. It was one lap around this small enclosure that was about the size of a bedroom. Oh well though, she was in heaven. My mother in law got some pictures for me but I only have the prints so I can't post them.

Another fun thing (at least for me) was a semi reunion with friends that ran cross country with me in high school. We went to a park on a Sunday after church and the kids played and we ate and got caught up. On of my friends is pregnant and due any day now. Her and her husband actually live and work at a school in Cambodia. They came back to the States for the birth and are going back a month after she is born. It was really fun to hang out with everyone and their husbands/boyfriends. It makes me miss running even more than I already do. I miss the competition (yes, there is tough competition in running) and the meets and the practices and the friendships and awesome victories. I was able to be apart of the team that ran and won States my sophomore year (4 out of the 5 in the picture below were on that team). I have a lot of very fond memories of cross country.

Jessica (expecting a girl soon), Chrissy (Noah), Me (Luke), Tiffany (Tanner), Heidi

Cameryn and Trinity (Chrissy's oldest)

I forgot to mention that I have never had to keep such a close watch on Luke before. There were a lot of other people there and he just kept taking off to go look at ducks, go back over to the swings, go to the creek, go here go there, run run run!! He was exhausted that night so good for me though!!!

The only picture of Luke somewhat still that day. Mike and the other guys played some weird game kinda like horseshoes.

Cameryn had a week of swimming lessons about two weeks ago. It went about as I expected; lots of crying and whining about being cold, then laughing and playing with the other girls and then she was done. She didn't like being in the baby pool cuz it was actually colder then the big pool so that was were a lot of whining and sulking happened. Once they moved into the big pool and she got to have lots of one on one time with Rachel (friend from church and instructor), she did a lot better. She has never been a big water baby (sigh) but really neither am I so I don't know why I would be surprised. She did okay though and I'm thinking of signing her up again later this summer for another week to refresh her memory and to help her get it better.

My kids love to go down to the river (C&O Canal) and just throw rocks (for hours). We went down there for a family activity and the kids had a lot of fun throwing rocks and walking everywhere, watching people come in with their boats and dogs and tubes. Not much else to that story just more pictures.We went to a fair with Mike's parents last Monday. It was fun but poor Luke, who was SO excited to go on the kiddie rides like a train, cars, slides, Ferris wheel, carousel, etc. was one and a half inches too short for EVERYTHING. We kept asking if he went with us would it be okay but no go for everything. Mike's mom had bought the tickets for the rides so, since Cameryn was the only one able to ride, she gave Mike money to go play the games with Luke instead. He was getting upset when Cameryn got to get on the rides and he wasn't allowed so I really appreciated that. He did end up having fun but I still felt sorry for him. Cameryn of course had a ball.

Cameryn was so funny on the Ferris Wheel. She kept putting her arms up like it was a roller coaster and screaming (not in fright but because she thought it was funny) She LOVED being up high. Scared of the water, but not heights, hmmm.

I also had Jury Duty last week which was the same week that my mom was going to girls camp. I asked my visiting teacher if she could watch my kids for me which she was happy to do. I only ended going in on Monday and I pretty much read for 3 hours and got $20 dollars that they said was for lunch. Hey, I would go in everyday if that was the case. I was trying to finish reading Atlas Shrugged (an AWESOME book but a very big undertaking- I recommend it to everyone, it's still so relevant to today but it IS over 1000 pages and the main character makes a 55 page speech at the end, so be prepared. I read the first 10 pages of the speech then skipped ahead to be done with the book for my book club on Friday, then i read the rest of the speech in small sections- it was good though) so I could have used those three hours of uninterrupted reading plus, who actually needs $20 dollars for lunch. Anyways, the kids LOVED going to this ladies house. She has a daughter about 9 years old I think and Luke just loves her now. He is always talking about her and excited to see her at church. Cameryn loved it there too which made it so easy for me and I didn't have to worry about them misbehaving (they only do that at home of course). She even watched them for me on Wednesday when I had to work since I didn't have jury duty that day. I wasn't sure if she would be able to cuz i have to be at work at 7:00 but she said her son is always up by 6:00 so she would already be awake anyways. I was so thankful for her last week and this week too since my mom had a procedure done on her legs for her varicose veins and couldn't watch them on Wednesday.

Anyways, I think that's about it for now. I'm really going to try to make myself blog more cuz I always enjoy it while I'm doing it but it's just making myself stop and sit at the computer for longer then to check my email.

We've heard from Ezra too. He writes a letter each week to my family and I read them when I'm at my mom's. They are what you would expect from Ezra (if you know him) funny and weird but you can tell that he is happy and is having many spiritual and wonderful moments. He enjoys his district and his companions and I'm so proud of him.

That's all for now!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Farewell to Ezra!!

My brother, Ezra entered the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on June 18th. I drove with my parents to take him to the airport the day before super early in the morning but it was really fun to see him so happy and excited and ready. My two older sisters picked him up and they all went to the Temple together in Bountiful, Utah. The next day they (along with my younger sister, Mary) took him to the MTC. He is going to the Uruguay Montevideo west mission and is learning Spanish as we speak.

My parents had thrown a fun picnic thing for Ezra the weekend before he left and we invited all our friends and family in the area. I (or my mom) took lots of pictures of everyone and I was just going to do a video of those pictures but I got behind on it and then started adding all the ones from the night before he left and the ones from when we dropped him off at the airport. Then my mom wanted me to add in some more from when Ezra was little. So it's taken me a while to get this all up. I had to go to my parents yesterday and have my dad scan in the old pictures and then save them on a disc for me to take home. Then I figured I'd throw a couple more in there from ones that I have taken. So, sorry to my sisters that watch this if you think it's too much of Ezra and just my kids, I just wanted to be done with it and post it up here. Plus I had to finish out the song cuz it just seems better with a full song on there instead of cutting it off somewhere towards then end.

Oh and sorry for those of you that think the song is a weird choice since he is going on a mission. Yes, Ezra is out on his mission (or preparing for it), but he is still Ezra and he even said in his farewell talk that he doesn't like, actually that he hates the song "I hope they call me on a mission", so I figured a rock song would be more appropriate for him. I fiddled around with some different songs but I know he really likes the one I chose, my mom suggested it actually.