Last Saturday we had Cameryn's birthday party. We just invited our families and some of our close friends to come around 3:00. Mike's family was moving into their new house that same day so they couldn't come, but Robin (my mother-in-law) had come on Wednesday to give Cameryn her present and to play with her for awhile as well.
Cameryn had a really fun time and got some really cool presents. My parents got her a princess dress and some shoes for playing dress up. Mike and I got her the movie Monsters Inc., some Toy Story figures to play with and a Sleeping Beauty story book play house. It folds out into parts of a castle and then some woods. She has really been having fun playing with that too. Of course it has a bunch of tiny tiny pieces to it that Luke just loves to try and get. She also got some clothes, a Barbie doll, Play dough, and some bath time finger paints from our friends.
My family got their first and we were all in the kitchen eating when out of no where Luke up and takes 7 steps over to me!! It was so weird. Luke hadn't shown the slightest interest in walking before that and then suddenly when there are all these people there he takes his first steps. It was so awesome and surreal at the same time. He was so proud of himself too. After that Kathryn and Devon kept trying to get him to do it again but again, he wasn't interested.
After we all ate, Cameryn opened up her presents and we had some Princess cake. Mike took Cameryn to the store with him and she picked it out all by herself. Mike said at first she wanted a "Larry cake". Larry is the cucumber from Veggie Tales which Cameryn loves. They didn't have that so she of course picked out Princesses instead. It would have been a nice change of pace if we could have gotten a Veggie Tales cake but oh well, maybe next year. This year Cameryn finally blew out her own candles too (one by one) and thought it was hilarious. I gave Luke some of him own cake too and he had fun making a mess of himself and anything else within his reach. He looked like he had a blue icing beard.
Poor Luke was also having some pooping issues that day and had the worst rash, so I got some of Cameryn's training underwear and let him wear it to air his poor little bottom out. He looked so cute in them too. I didn't get a very good picture of him wearing them unfortunately. We were all joking about it though saying that he still looked like he was wearing a diaper because of how big his bottom is. I mean it really is a pretty big bottom for a little boy. Overall it was a nice day for a birthday party.
The rest of my week leading up to yesterday was spent going to the doctors for his pre-op check up on Monday, working on Tuesday and trying to get things done on Wednesday.
So far today Luke is acting himself though. He slept pretty well last night going to bed at 8:00 and sleeping for over 4 hours. I think he only woke up though because the medicine had worn off. He was up for good at about 5:00 though. I tried to get him back to sleep; he didn't want to so I gave up at 6:00 and took him downstairs to play. He played and ate until about 9:30 and then he was tired again. Hopefully he will take another nap later too. I am so proud of my little man and how well he is recovering from yesterday. What a brave little boy.